About Sterling Volunteers Integration

We're thrilled to partner with Sterling Volunteers to offer integrated background checks & underline our commitment to enhancing child safety & streamlining the volunteer sign-up process.

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Integrating your Innovative Mentoring database with Sterling Volunteers allows you to:

  • Remove the administrative burden of screening – Sterling Volunteers is integrated into your volunteer onboarding workflow within Innovative Mentoring, saving you time, money and the hassle of working with two separate systems.
  • Give volunteers the option to pay – Preserve your budget by allowing (or requiring) volunteers to pay for all or part of their screening – or asking for an optional contribution. Verified Volunteer clients report saving an average of 40% on screening thanks to volunteer contributions.
  • Enjoy peace of mind with monthly monitoring and optional annual rechecks – Other checks are “one and done”. Sterling Volunteer checks are automatically updated each month so you stay protected. Plus, Innovative Mentoring’s integrated solutions allows you to automate annual resubmission and/or monitor background checks that have expired.
  • Make more informed decisions – Sterling Volunteer background checks are the most comprehensive and accurate available and include the Department of Justice Sex Offender Search – the only up-to-date, comprehensive source of sex offender information.

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