Frequently Asked Questions

Below you'll find answers to some common questions. If you have any other questions please contact us.


How long has Innovative Mentoring Software been used?
Used successfully since 2002.

Where is the company located?
Innovative Mentoring Software is located in the Twin Cities, Minnesota. We serve clients across the country.

How many other organizations are using Innovative Mentoring Software?
Since new clients join us on a regular basis, visit our client list page to see the other organizations that are currently using our software.

What type of free support is available?
We offer unlimited free support via online request through the database or email. We provide step-by-step instructions, with screen shots, for your questions. We want the database to be an effective tool for your organization, so we are always happy to help!

What are the hours of support?
Normal business hours for support (Mon-Friday, 9-5 Central time). Non-business hour support available for emergencies or special situations (international clients, etc).


What is the system's up-time?
Greater than 99.9% (in 2021)

What are the technical specifications?
Since Innovative Mentoring Software is web-based (cloud) database, it only requires a computer with an Internet connection.

What are the Internet web browser specifications?
The latest versions of Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, and Microsoft Edge are fully supported by our software. In addition, Safari and Internet Explorer 8 or higher are partially supported. We highly recommend Google Chrome. Safari & Internet Explorer users will experience decreased performance compared with the other browsers.

Can I access the database on a Macintosh (Apple) computer?
Yes, the latest versions of Google Chrome and Mozilla Firefox are fully supported by our software for Apple Macintosh computers.

Define system security.
We take your data security seriously and have implemented industry best practices, including the following:


  • All information is encrypted with a 256‐bit SSL certificate.
  • Passwords are encrypted in the database and not known to us.

Database Back‐End

  • Database is built on SQL Server 2019.

Data Center

  • Servers are located in a secure data center in Denver with 24‐hour on‐site security.
  • Data is backed up on a daily & weekly basis.

Usernames and Passwords

  • Strong passwords are required and need to be changed regularly.
  • Username identity is protected; users are locked out after 5 unsuccessful login attempts.
  • Administrators are able to unlock accounts and reset passwords.

Data Ownership

  • All of your data is owned by you and can be downloaded into Excel spreadsheets at any time.


How soon can I get started?
Once we receive your payment and paperwork, we can schedule your free training session in as little as two weeks, depending on your staff's schedule. If you are doing a data import, the process includes working closely with you to implement your data successfully.

What is the average size of the mentoring organizations that use the software? Is there a limit to the number of matches that the software supports?
We serve a wide variety of clients, including very small and very large mentoring programs. There is no limit to the number of matches that you can create in the software. We want you to have as many matches as possible!

What is the range of custom options available?

  • Utilizing our set-up questionnaire, you can determine the data collection fields you need to manage your program and report to funders. Custom fields for contacts, mentors, mentees, donors, and organizations are available. These fields are automatically available for flexible reporting.
  • You can also create your own custom "labels" for contacts, mentors, mentees, donors, and organizations at any time for your own flexible searches & reports.
  • The software is designed to grow along with your needs, so you can add new initiatives or data fields after you get started at no additional charge.

Can I manage more than one initiative at my organization?
Yes! You can use our software to seamlessly manage multiple mentoring programs as well as other types of programs like after-school or tutoring programs. Each program is available for separate or combined reporting.

What is the range of reports available with the standard package?

Flexible Reporting

Limitless possibilities for reporting using the comprehensive search & reporting section of the database. Specify criteria to get the information you are looking for. Flexible reports can be exported to Microsoft Excel for further data manipulation. Here are some examples:

  • Number of matched, waiting, or prospective mentors or mentees. You can also report based on specific criteria like age, gender, ethnicity, program participation, or any other custom data field
  • Number of matched or waiting mentees from a particular school or mentoring coordinator
  • Matches that have lasted a specified time period
  • Amount of contact or match support with mentees, mentors, or guardians
  • Number and type of activities mentors and mentees have participated in

Formal Reports

  • Match Length
  • Match Statistics
  • Mentee Statistics
  • Mentor Statistics
  • Mentee Demographics (including any custom fields you have defined)
  • Mentor Demographics (including any custom fields you have defined)
  • Communication by Period
  • Activities by Period

Can we get custom reports?
Yes! At our Enterprise package level, custom reports are available based on a quote. You provide a “mock-up” of the requested report in Microsoft Word or Excel format. We create the report including professional print formatting, and you can run the report using live data at any time. Although our built-in reporting is very robust, sometimes our clients need a custom report for a specific grant (OJJDP, etc.).

For our multi-site clients that have more than one database, we can provide an administrative reporting tool that allows you to report on all of the sites at once or choose which sites you would like to include in the report. This secure reporting platform gives administrators the tools they need to easily report for grants or other funding sources. Please ask us to include this information in your price quote if you would like to learn more.

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